Do you Care?

I learned a lot from an experience I had with one of my referral sources in my practice. He was a podiatric surgeon who always called his patients after they got home from surgery, AND he would send them flowers. I saw many of his patients and they LOVED this guy and frequently commented on the fact that he called and sent flowers. Those patients referred their friends and family to him. He is a smart man. He combined competence with compassion and showed that he cared about them individually.

Given that you are getting good results with your patients, you are probably already getting a certain amount of word-of-mouth. By using and learning the information in these practice tips, patient referrals can easily become your top referral source. And that’s an effective step toward becoming an INDEPENDENT private practice PT. It starts by delivering the highest quality care possible with a caring attitude that the patient can truly feel and you are on the right course to ask for their help.

I hope this short piece of advice can help you! And I put together a webinar I think you will love. It’s called Attracting New Patients and I’m giving you insant access to it. This webinar will help you get more new patients faster and easier. Watch it by clicking here —>